There Must To Be More To Life Than This

The Magician's Greatest Pay

One of the greatest rewards for being a magician are the smiles, laughters and applause you get once you have entertain your audience truly. The picture here was taken at The Curve during one of my recent gig. This girl gave the nicest smile ever when she saw my magic.

Building Bridges Through Magic

Another fun thing about magic is that you get to meet different people; some down right nasty and some really really friendly. I met this group at Urbanattic, Capsquare. Nice people who just wants to have good fun. among them are two actors, Tony Eusoff and Jay.

Magic @ Zouk Club, Kuala Lumpur

Zlwin does walkabout close-up magic at Zouk every weekend. Look out for him if you are there to dance the night away!

The Watchmen

Watchmen watches what no one watches and does what no one does. They would lay down their lives watching and protecting. They stand guard over the people that needs them but do not want them. They take up responsibilities which otherwise no one would want. Do you want to be a watchman? "What does it matter..." you ask.

Zlwin Chew - Magician, Minister.

Magic is something that seems like it goes against how the world works and it is us magicians who has the privilege to demonstrate it. There are no tricks in magic, only wonderment. – Zlwin Chew

Zlwin Chew’s New Website Is Launched!

Zlwin has designed a new website and is no longer with Blogspot anymore. From today onwards, this site will be his official site where he will be posting his usual Christian devotional materials as well as some other stuff. Do drop by every now and then. And please bear with the upcoming and ongoing changes that will happen in this website. He is trying to improve it little by little as the each moon ends its shift and as he gains more knowledge on website designing. Have a good read! God bless!

Acts 20:24

However , I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the Gospel of God’s grace

The Worldwide Magician Directory

A worldwide directory of magicians. Thousands of magicians have their profile uploaded here as well as links to their websites. Visit the Magician Directory to find out more about your local magician.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Radical Jesus... A Continuation.

In my previous post, RADICAL JESUS, I shared with you guys on how Jesus came and was on the side of no man except God. During the time of Jesus, the five political parties were among the most prominent and for a normal person; we would carefully watch our mouth so as not to hurt any group. We will normally be on the fence and siding for every political group so to keep our life safe. But Jesus was radical, he came and he spoke against every political party and their different beliefs. He went against the Zealots, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Essenes and the Herodians. He was for no one except God and God alone. That’s radical!

Today, I am going to share about the following verses,

Matthew 5:38-42
You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

One may read in dismay thinking, “Does Jesus want us Christians to be weak and powerless?” I do not blame the person who says this. I once thought that it was rather ridiculous to do what Jesus told us to do. How could I let someone slap me on my right cheek and give him my left cheek to slap as well? Ridiculous! How can I be like a dog and carry my friend’s bag for a mile and I have to add another mile to it? What?! And if someone sues me for something, I have to give him more?! Huh?! This doesn’t make sense!

But if you are of the Kingdom of God, you will understand the simple message of Jesus in this Scripture (Jesus’ message was never meant to be hard to understand, it is either black or white, not grey). Read carefully the next paragraph and grasp it with a discerning spirit.

Of common sense, we would definitely go for appropriate revenge (an eye for an eye), but Jesus calls us to do the perfect opposite: reconciliation. Reconciliation is a new and radical way to approach injustice by a nonviolent resistance and active peacemaking. You may think of it like this:

If a person strikes you on your right cheek, they have given you a backhand slap.
During the time of Jesus, the Romans were the ones in power and the Jews were the ones under oppression. It would be normal for a Roman soldier to slap a Jew in those days. If you were to respond by slapping him back, that would reduce you to the same violent level as your oppressor. You would be just like him. If you were to walk away and leave him, this will make you seem weak, powerless and coward. This gives your oppressor the victory. The third choice is to turn your other cheek and let him have that too. Now if your oppressor were to hit you on your left cheek, he will most likely use the palm of his hand. This degrades him even more to the violent level. By doing this, you will have shocked him and shown yourself not weak, powerless or violent but rather strong, courageous and dignified. You have indirectly told him how violent he is. Now you are the victor and the stronger person. You have defeated him in a non-violent way.

The rich people during the time of Jesus always oppressed the poor.
A rich landowner would normally take a peasant to court if he has not enough money to pay his debt or tax. If you were take to court by the rich landowner and the landowner sues you for your garment, Jesus tells us to strip give the landowner our underwear as well! Your “generosity” makes you look defenseless and exposed. The other way round, your situation actually exposes the naked greed of your oppressor, making him look like a heartless person filled and clothed with greed. Again, by being radical you have defeated your oppressor the Kingdom way.

If someone like a Roman soldier who forces you to carry his heavy backpack for a mile, you carry it another mile.
By your willingness to carry it an extra mile, you have shown yourself to be a generous human being, strong, powerful, self-controlled and dignified. You have told him, “I am not dominated. I have free will.” Although the first mile may be forced, the second mile is done out of your gift from God – free will.

These do not necessary show you the exact rules you must follow if you face this kind of situation. Rather, they are the examples of the active, creative and transforming ways of the Kingdom of God. Jesus was radical in his speech and lifestyle and he calls us to be radicals as well.

We cannot afford to do as the world does; we need to be radical in order to make a change. Do you dare to be rad?

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    Man In The Mirror

    . A very nice song from the late Michael Jackson. "If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change."

    Shout It Out


    About Zlwin Chew

    He is a person who is sold out for Jesus. Nothing can move him once he has set his mind on doing and achieving something. Once he is set for one thing, no one can tell him otherwise.

    He blogs, but he blogs differently. The world blogs about themselves, nothing but me, myself and I. But Zlwin Chew blogs his God. He believes that a blog is a powerful medium in which one can tell the world about what He, Himself and God has done in me, meself and I. God needs to be glorified, even online. The world needs to hear what it does not want to hear but need to hear. The world need to know what it does not want to know but need to know.

    Zlwin Chew is also a magician who has a heart and passion to enhance his Gospel sharing with the aid of magical effects and illusions. His magic portfolio can be found at

    He loves photography as well. Capturing time in frames is his passion. His photography blog can be found at

    He is radical. He wants to be radical. He wants to be different. Because everyone thinks outside of the box, he thinks inside of the box. He is different. And he does not care how people view him. He only cares how God views him. Zlwin Chew is a Jesus Freak.

    And he dare you to do something radical. He dare you to...

    BLOG GOD...