Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Taking Over My Father's Business
And then the other day this thing just struck me =) when someone asks me this question again I will answer “Yes.”
I am already doing my Father’s business and in fact I am working alongside with my Father.
How fortunate.
Another Day Out
I don't know what is this but it just looks bad haha.
And we found out that we could actually slide down.
Then the kids started to join us.
Then we bought some icecreams.
After much chatting and strolling, the time came for us to part again. But not for long.
Take care. *hugs!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Raja Petra Kamarudin was sentenced to two years in prison without trial starting from today. ISA arrested the controversial political blogger under Section 73(1) of the ISA (Internal Security Act) for allegedly being a threat to security, peace and public order.
In other words, Raja Petra was put in prison for TELLING THE TRUTH…
He alleged exposed the government’s lies and deceptions and evil doings. With the so-called “freedom of speech” in Malaysia, he posted insights and news and stripped the government bare naked. By doing so he was detained under the ISA and today he was sentenced to two years in prison.
Wee Meng Chee was called to report to Bukit Aman Police Station today. He was the man behind the controversial Negarakuku song that he composed a year ago while studying in Taiwan. For the translation of the lyrics, click here. In his song he basically talked about the normal issues in Malaysia such as social injustices and national ills. He has apologized for his “sin” and the case was closed for almost a year until today. He may now be detained under non-other than…. you guessed it… the ISA! (again?!)
So much for FREEDOM OF SPEECH (song I mean)…
Raja Petra claimed to have told the TRUTH behind our government’s act and cover-ups. For that he was put in prison. Let us put aside whether his claims were true or not and let us look at the act of posting up his posts in his website. He had the courage to do so. He had the guts. He did not really bother about what may happen to him and he just went ahead exposing the government’s lies.
What then are we Christians doing? Do we want to continue sitting down in church and praying or do we want to get out and do something? At the expense of his life, Raja Petra spread the truth. At what expense then do we spread the Good News?
The early disciples and apostle Paul were ready to be put in chains for the Gospel. Peter and Paul were sentenced to jail for telling the Good News – the TRUTH.
Are we so scared to do so?
Or rather…
Do we bother?
Monday, September 22, 2008
Wild Party?
Blessed Birthday Sheng Giap!
This is an outdated post I guess. We celebrated his birthday long time ago and now only I got the time to post =) Sorry Guppy. Well here are the pics. We went there for a barbeque dinner and he had friends and family turning up for his party. So sweet.
Giap, I treasure the friendship we have made throughout the years. I pray that this will go on and you will leave more footprints in my life as I do the same. May you come to know your God personally. Love you, Giap! *hugs!
From left: Suba, Jolene, Yvonne and Sarah.
His happy family. God bless you all.
Man I don't know what is this hehe.
This is so x-rated. Sorry guys hehe.
And there was a wild party in his room that night...
Then they started again....
The end.... =)