The Word of God is living and active - Hebrews 4:12
Woo hoo!!!
I am so so happy! I don’t know how to tell you how happy I am! =)
Well, this was what happened: Last night I decided to spend some time studying the Bible. So at 12.20am I finished my Sejarah Form 5 revision and sms. I took out my NIV Study Bible and prayed something like, “God, I want to hear from You tonight as I study Your Word. Please talk to me. I dedicate this time to You. Amen.”
And so I started reading at 12.30am. I read about 10 chapters of Judges but I did not get anything yet. Then I started reading Acts chapter 1. Acts was a familiar book to me because I have read through the whole book many times. But as we all know, the Word of God is endless; you can read it through the years and still find new revelations everyday. What more can I say? The Word of God is living! (Hebrews 4:12)
I read from chapter 1 till chapter 9 and BOOM!
There was something in Chapter 9 that I haven’t found out before. While reading it, God stirred up my heart to read it again and so I spent my time with it. It was the account of Saul’s conversion. From there, God lead me to the story of Moses, David and Elijah, all from the Old Testament book. Then I saw how closely the Old Testament and New Testament were linked together.
It was an awesome night of Bible study. (note: Bible reading and Bible study are two different things.) I spent 4 whole hours flipping through the pages of 3 Bibles (um yea, three hehe. And I have got more.) and a Bible Dictionary and wow wow… God kept pouring new information – so much till I at one point I just sat back and “rested”. I can’t really explain the joy I felt when God spoke to me! Like Jeremiah said, “When your Words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight.” (Jeremiah 15:16)
God gave me the Word and I ate them. Then I felt this wonderful joy in my heart! Awesome!
Ezekiel 3:3
Then he (God) said to me, “Son of man, eat this scroll I am giving you and fill your stomach with it.” So I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth.
What Jeremiah experience emotionally (Jeremiah 15:16) was experienced by Ezekiel in a more sensory way. But nonetheless, both Jeremiah and Ezekiel felt a wonderful feeling flowing through their body and soul when they “ate” the Word of God. And I too felt the same last night; I ate till I couldn’t stop. You must be wondering what I “ate” – it is the Bible duh! =)
I will write a post (or maybe more than one) on what I studied last night and will post it soon. It will take some time though. And you know what? I got so much out of it that I don’t even know where to start haha. I started studying at 12.30am and ended at 4.30am. Prayed and slept at 5am. So yea, look out for my next post =)
Have a blessed day my beautiful friends!
Jeremiah 15:16
When your words came, I ate them;
they were my joy and my heart’s delight,
for I bear your name,
O Lord God Almighty.
My Bible Study Scene haha.
Here are the notes that I have summarized up and written on Post-It notes and stuck on the pages of Acts Cahpter 9.
PS. This post was not meant for me to brag on how much time I spend with my Bible or how many Bibles I have. Don’t get me wrong. I am here to brag about God. I just want to share with you the importance of God’s Word. Please do not leave it to collect dust, read it and discover God through it. Many people want an encounter with God but they don’t get it. How can you say you don’t encounter God when you leave the Bible just lying around? God is waiting for you to encounter Him. He wants to encounter you as much as you want to encounter Him. And He is right there waiting for you - waiting for you to flip open the pages of the Word. Go now and encounter God through the reading of His Word. God bless.
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