There Must To Be More To Life Than This

The Magician's Greatest Pay

One of the greatest rewards for being a magician are the smiles, laughters and applause you get once you have entertain your audience truly. The picture here was taken at The Curve during one of my recent gig. This girl gave the nicest smile ever when she saw my magic.

Building Bridges Through Magic

Another fun thing about magic is that you get to meet different people; some down right nasty and some really really friendly. I met this group at Urbanattic, Capsquare. Nice people who just wants to have good fun. among them are two actors, Tony Eusoff and Jay.

Magic @ Zouk Club, Kuala Lumpur

Zlwin does walkabout close-up magic at Zouk every weekend. Look out for him if you are there to dance the night away!

The Watchmen

Watchmen watches what no one watches and does what no one does. They would lay down their lives watching and protecting. They stand guard over the people that needs them but do not want them. They take up responsibilities which otherwise no one would want. Do you want to be a watchman? "What does it matter..." you ask.

Zlwin Chew - Magician, Minister.

Magic is something that seems like it goes against how the world works and it is us magicians who has the privilege to demonstrate it. There are no tricks in magic, only wonderment. – Zlwin Chew

Zlwin Chew’s New Website Is Launched!

Zlwin has designed a new website and is no longer with Blogspot anymore. From today onwards, this site will be his official site where he will be posting his usual Christian devotional materials as well as some other stuff. Do drop by every now and then. And please bear with the upcoming and ongoing changes that will happen in this website. He is trying to improve it little by little as the each moon ends its shift and as he gains more knowledge on website designing. Have a good read! God bless!

Acts 20:24

However , I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the Gospel of God’s grace

The Worldwide Magician Directory

A worldwide directory of magicians. Thousands of magicians have their profile uploaded here as well as links to their websites. Visit the Magician Directory to find out more about your local magician.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Is the Bible Real?


Many doubt the validity of the Bible as God’s Spoken Words. Up till today there is still debates after debates on Biblical arguments and as we all know, not everyone believes that the Bible is the Real Stuff. There are many things we could alkf about which might shake your faith but one thing I tell you – the Bible has always been and will always be THE REAL STUFF...


Many reasons I can give you. But today I will share on one powerful reason that will surprise you.

If you want to know whether the Bible is really God’s Word, look at the Jews.

In Genesis chapter 12 God said to a man named Abram (later Abraham):

Genesis 12:2-6
The Lord said to Abram,
“Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.
I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you;
I will make your name great, and I will make you a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse;
And all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

These are the words of God that will change the whole world thousands of years later. The call of Abraham has a sevenfold structure if you notice: (1) “I will make you into a great nation.” (2) “I will bless you.” (3) “I will make your name great” (4) “you will be a blessing” (5) “I will bless those who bless you.” (6) “whoever curses you I will curse.” (7) “all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

And the number Seven is a Biblical number of perfection. Therefore, the call of Abraham was a perfect call in which God will use to bring the Good News to all people on earth.

This is the REAL STUFF:

If you notice, all of the promises of God to Abraham have been fulfilled. Hundreds of years after God made these promises to Abraham; the great nation had indeed appeared and numbering in millions! They were led into the promise land by their Jewish leader Moses.

God warned them that if they disobeyed God, He will cause them to be scattered and be spread throughout all the earth when their enemies attacked them. They did not heed God’s warning and disobeyed God many times. But by God’s grace and compassion, God promised that He will bring all of them back into their land again.

In the Bible, the Israelites were attacked by a lot of enemies but each and everyone of their enemies were wiped off!

In 606 B.C. King Nebuchadnezzar took the Jewish captive to Babylon and returned in 588 B.C., and after a long siege he burned the city and temples. But in the end as God promised, they were brought back to their homeland again. But in 70 A.D., Titus the Roman conqueror attacked their city and removed them once more from their homeland. He destroyed Jerusalem and scattered the people.

Then for almost 1900 years the Jews wandered around the earth as strangers who were persecuted from every side! During the World War II Holocaust, more than 6 million Jews were put to death in Nazi concentration camps!

Then against all odds, on May 14, 1948, the state of Israel was reborn and every Jews started to return from all over the world! And since then, they have survived numerous wars such as the 1956 war with Arab, 1967 Six-Day War and the 1973 Holy Day War (Yom-Kippur War), 1982 Palestinian guerillas war and many more. Yet they grew in numbers!

God also promised that all peoples on earth will be blessed through Abraham. This promise came through as well! All descendants of Abraham are Jewish people and Jewish people have been a blessing throughout the earth.

A short list of Jewish people who had contributed greatly to the world:

1. Albert Einstein, Physics
2. Levi Strauss, Jeans, 1873
3. Maurice Levy , Lipstick, 1915
4. Lazlo Biro, Ballpoint Pen, 1938
5. J. Robert Oppenheimer,, Atomic Bomb, 1945
6. Edwin Herbert Land, Instant Photography, 1947
7. Denis Gabor, Holography, 1948
8. Peter Carl Goldmark, Long Playing Record, 1948
9. Robert Adler, Television Remote Control, 1950
10. Edward Teller, Thermonuclear Bomb, 1952
11. Paul M. Zoll, Defibrillator, 1952 and Cardiac Pacemaker, 1952
12. Gregory Pincus, Contraceptives, early 1950s
13. Charles Ginsburg, Videotape, 1950s
14. Gordon Gould, Laser, 1958
15. Stanley N. Cohen, Genetic Engineering, 1973
16. Jason Lanier, Virtual Reality, 1989
17. Niels Bohr, Physics
18. Karl Marx

And the list goes on... Moreover, 22 percent of Nobel Prize winners are Jews!

God promised Abraham that he will make him into a great nation and true indeed. The Jewish population in the world is now more than 14million!!! It is about 20% of the whole world’s population! Wow! Jews fill every corner of the earth today as prophesied in the Bible!

So now do you believe that the Bible is true?

While filming a movie in Israel in 1976, two Christian filmmakers named Josh McDowell and Don Steward met with a very high official of the Israelite government. They asked him how did the Jewish people managed to survive so many wars and tribulations that should have made the Jewish people extinct. His answer was:

“Although most of the people in my country would claim to be atheists, don’t you believe it. I think that all of us know deep down inside that some force greater than us has been protecting this nation.”

And we all know that the “force” is the Almighty God.

The Jews are the Bible's testimony.

-Zlwin Chew.

1 comment:

jonnyflash said...

I have to say that your argument could easily be dismissed as "coincidence." To quote Star Trek, the definition of a coincidence is "it seems impossible, but there it is."

Also, the strange formatting makes it difficult to read.

    Man In The Mirror

    . A very nice song from the late Michael Jackson. "If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change."

    Shout It Out


    About Zlwin Chew

    He is a person who is sold out for Jesus. Nothing can move him once he has set his mind on doing and achieving something. Once he is set for one thing, no one can tell him otherwise.

    He blogs, but he blogs differently. The world blogs about themselves, nothing but me, myself and I. But Zlwin Chew blogs his God. He believes that a blog is a powerful medium in which one can tell the world about what He, Himself and God has done in me, meself and I. God needs to be glorified, even online. The world needs to hear what it does not want to hear but need to hear. The world need to know what it does not want to know but need to know.

    Zlwin Chew is also a magician who has a heart and passion to enhance his Gospel sharing with the aid of magical effects and illusions. His magic portfolio can be found at

    He loves photography as well. Capturing time in frames is his passion. His photography blog can be found at

    He is radical. He wants to be radical. He wants to be different. Because everyone thinks outside of the box, he thinks inside of the box. He is different. And he does not care how people view him. He only cares how God views him. Zlwin Chew is a Jesus Freak.

    And he dare you to do something radical. He dare you to...

    BLOG GOD...