Caleb the blur.
"Hehe... Don't take la.. Shy shy la..." - Jesseca Choe
"Woo... I see the food coming... yay yay...," declares Sister Kim.
Miss Meena =) she's a great talker haha.
Miss Agnes (she's taken by the way)
Me, Camp Chairman - David Ng, and Anglers' Rappala Group Leader - Justin Ooi. The Three Musculars =D The pink one is the most macho of them all, son of McChew Yoon Fook, First Class Order of Her Majesty's Service, Head of Her Majesty's Secret Service, Protector of Her Majesty's Treasury, Leader of Desesperado Para Dios, True Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, Most-feared among all of Her Majesty's enemies, loyal to his country, a man of Courage, a man true to Pink, he is Sir D'Zlwin DarChewin.
Sherrene Teh, Me, Jesseca Choe and Meena. All great crab eaters - posing with our prized posession, um, our crabs =)
Pastor John and me =D He's a really really cool guy! Love him!
This guy here is Jeffrey. Yes, he may look like a monster here but he's a really really nice and sweet guy =)
Sherrene : People, listen up. This is how you should eat a crab. First you choose the biggest piece and be as selfish as you can. Secondly, cover the crab with a piece of paper then hammer it with a hammer. Thirdly . . . Lastly, you pass the crab meat to me for inspection and I will eat half of it to tell you whether it is safe to eat.
-This is Sherrene Teh aka Mama Teh, Miss Crab Eater. She's good at it... Good at crapping nonetheless.
Pastor John : Hmm... since Agnes ate the most, I think you should settle half of the bill.
Agnes : Wait! wait! Not fair! Sherrene ate more than me!
Sherrene : What?! Lets compare stomach then! ...... Ah! Yours is bigger than mine! You pay!
Guys, the bill came out RM504 and a few cents... We were indeed big eaters haha.
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