Koh Poh Leong! If you are reading this, continue to read!
Today I got home and bathe and Poh Leong miss-called me, so after bathing I went to my room and called him back. He asked what I was doing and I said, “I am naked and talking to you.” Duh?! I just out from the bathroom. Ok so I wore my clothes and continued to talk. He asked me whether I was free and I guessed he was bored so I said I was and asked him would he want to bring me to his house. He said ok, so I hung up and went to talk to my parents and they didn’t allow because my trials exam is next week and they want me to study. I was like “Argh!” cause I was kind of tired studying and doing revision and wanted a short little break but sigh... there goes my “rest”.
Called him back and told him the bad news and he LAUGHED! >.<” ish! Well, I shouldn’t have called him! I gained nothing but I lost few minutes of my precious time talking to him, lost phone credit, lost hope because I was hoping to be able to go and I lost joy? Haha. Oh well...
Things always don’t turn out the way we want it to be huh? Sometimes we want something but we know well that we are not supposed to have it but yet we ask. Like what I did, I knew (Poh Leong knew too) that my parents won’t allow me to go to Poh Leong’s house. I knew my parents would disagree and say “no” because they didn’t want me to waste my time, they had good reasons to say “no”.
But yet I asked...
John 16:24
Until now you have not asked for anything in my name.
Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.
Jesus tells us to ask for “ANYTHING” and He assures us that we will definitely get it. But many of us neglect the words in between the sentence. Jesus said, “Ask in my name.”
What does a “name” mean?
During the Bible times, a name is more than a name. A name is the person’s character, a person’s personality, the way he was born, the reason he was born, the destiny he was born to – a name was more than just a word they use to call each other:
Abraham (Father of many) – his descendants were as numerous as the stars.
David (Beloved) – he was a man after God’s own heart and the greatest king of Israel.
Elijah (My God is the Lord) – he called fire down from heaven at Mount Carmel and proved to the worshippers of Baal that his God was the one and only Lord.
Peter (Rock) – He believed in Jesus but denied knowing Christ on the night of Jesus’ arrest. Later he became a major leader in the early Christian church. No one could break this man. A rock indeed!
Jesus Christ (Messiah) – He was the Son of God who came to earth to save the world.
To ask in the name of Jesus is to pray according to the personality of the name. To ask in the name of Jesus is to ask according to what Jesus would ask. To ask in the name of Jesus is to ask according to the will of God. And to pray in the name of Jesus is to pray believing in the power of the name. God will only grant and answer if we ask in accordance to His will.
Was it my parents’ will for me to go to Poh Leong’s house?
Definitely not, so no matter how I ask them and beg them, their answer will be “no”.
John 16:24
Until now you have not asked for anything in my name.
Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.
In the Name of Jesus,
In the Will of God,
Zlwin Chew
His name is Poh Leong and I have a very strong and certain feeling that in Hebrew it means "Emo"... Haha =)
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