Sunday, June 29, 2008
What is Gospel Magic?
of illusion to reach deeply into the unchurched world with the gospel.
Christians tend
to confuse "illusion"--which is commonly known as "magic" in today's English--with the
biblically forbidden occult arts of sorcery, magic and witchcraft described in
Deuteronomy 18:10-14 and Exodus 7.
The art of illusion, however, has become a highly effective communication tool for sharing
Christ with a postmodern world.
"I believe certainly we can use illusions [biblically], and they work very, very well, but they
have to be performed according to God's will and clearly as illusions," says Minnesota-based
illusionist Dave Horsager, who travels with his wife, Lisa, as the ministry team Special Delivery.
Fellow Minnesotan Toby Travis, whose colleagues include Horsager as well as distinguished
illusionist André Kole, explains that the idea commonly associated with the word "magic"
today is actually better fitted to the original meaning of the French word "juggler,"
which meant "puzzle for the eyes."
He echoes Gill and Horsager, saying that "magic, sleight of hand, illusion--whatever term
you want to use--is such a wonderful springboard to talk about Christ."
Illusions of Evangelism
Many in the magic world credit Kole with being one of the most creative minds in illusion
today. He has been responsible for helping to develop such world-famous stunts as making
the Washington Monument levitate and the Statue of Liberty disappear, feats made popular
by Kole's good friend and renowned illusionist David Copperfield.
After coming to Christ through an unsuccessful effort to discount Jesus' miracles as
"magic tricks," Kole has dedicated himself to sharing the gospel through his abilities.
While doing so he exposes the lie behind occultic "supernatural" activities such as astrology,
necromancy and psychic fortunetelling.
"[Magic] is probably the most universal form of entertainment," Kole says. "People
like to be fooled, but I always make it very clear that an illusionist is one who presents
an artistic effect creating the image of reality. A magician is one who uses natural means
to create a 'supernatural' effect."
Illusion offers great potential for cross-cultural evangelism. Travis has used illusion to
preach to more than a half million people in Russia, South America and Europe. While
he was stranded in India after 9/11, he spent the days it took to find a way home sharing
the gospel through illusion with many of the country's people.
As Horsager says: "It's kind of like music--it's wow! in any language." Dennis Blacksmith,
a Christian illusionist and first vice president of the international group Fellowship of
Christian Magicians (FCM), notes that interest in magic is at an all-time high in the United
States and the rest of the world.
"The highest-paid performers in Vegas are magicians; television abounds with World's Greatest
Magic programs; and David Copperfield is a household name," he says.
He believes that
using a cultural phenomenon to attract attention to the gospel is a wise strategy, especially
when the current social climate of the West is to question the relevance of religion.
"But more than a door-opener, gospel illusion, gospel magic, magic with a message, object
Williams lessons with surprise endings--or whatever name you use--is a good teaching
device," Blacksmith continues. "Since more of what is seen is remembered than what is heard,
the use of object lessons holds interest, builds recall and focuses attention."
Blacksmith traveled recently to Cuba, Nicaragua and South Africa, where he used magic
in his team's evangelistic efforts. For a diplomatic function with the mayor, city
council and press of Masaya, Nicaragua, he was asked to perform a single magic trick
for the adult audience.
"They sat spellbound by the story, message and mystery of the gospel presented in this
unique way," Blacksmith recounts. "Without magic, I would never have been given the
opportunity to give my testimony at this political event."
Gill and his wife,
Andrea, know firsthand the value of live performances in catching young people's attention.
Because teenagers have been raised by the television, he says, the value of his performance
is enhanced because teens see it live, not on a TV screen.
"[Magic] works for us because we've found a good combination [of content and
presentation] for our target audience," he says. The Gills never set out to be a magic act.
Rather, they believed God had called them to reach youth. "I'm an evangelist, and
I just found a creative way to do it," Gill points out. "The only reason I do [illusion] is for outreach."
(An article by Rachel Williams, a freelance writer based in Nashville, Tennessee.)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The connections we make in life are fragile. A wrong word, a wrong glance will cause the strings to break.
Life walks past us like the wind. We take some, we lose some. Time past is akin to history made, no turning back. The connections we make in life are precious. It has the power to change, to transform, to renew, to rethink, to evaluate, and to go on. Sometimes it takes just that one very touch by a friend to change your life.
Many things we cannot carry with us in life. Only memories have a place in our heart bag. Sweet memories and bitter memories are only two of the few things we can carry with us as time pass us by. We do not have all the time in the world to spend with everyone we love and like. We have only this much of time and this much of time only we have. That is why it is important we know who to spend our time with. The wonderful connections we make are precious.
I have carried a lot of memories with me. People that I could not afford to be with anymore are packaged into my Memories bag and I often take them out and smile at them. One more phrase of my life has begun and that means one phrase is finished. I am in college now, making new connections and meeting new people. Only this much time I have to spend with a few people who are my close friends. But it saddens me to know that today might just be the last day I get to spend time with them.
Vara and Kar Min are two of my new connections (among a few others) that I love a lot. These two girls are really nice people. Vara is an Indian girl whom I really look up to. She has a big heart. She loves to help people even though it may cost her some time off. She is a good friend. Whenever I need help I will go to her and she never gets bored by people asking questions every now and then. For the past many weeks we have been hanging out very often and I am beginning to like her more and more. Just too bad she will be leaving to Indonesia to continue her studies already. What I like most about her is her heart to help people.
Kar Min is one bubbly girl that always have a big smile on her face. The first few times I met her she has already started to make connections. Then after that every time we pass by her, she would put on a very enthusiastic smile and wave her hand and say, “Hi Zlwin!” She makes me smile =) Then one day on her birthday, she so happen to sit beside me and I got the chance to chat with her and to know her more. I found out that she is like any other girl, struggling with life. I gave her some advice and quoted her Jeremiah 29:11 from the Bible. Then I prayed for her. After that, we (me, Jolene, Vara, Simon and Kar Min) started hanging out pretty much.
The sad thing is they are both leaving. Today will be their last day studying in college but hopefully we will not lose contact down the road. It always happen, once we stop seeing each other, we will start contacting through email every now and then but give it a few months or years we will lose contact.
You see, we can’t have all these friends around us all the time do we? They have a life and we too have a life. So you can’t possibly bring them with you. However, there is one thing we can all do. That is to pack those memories of the times we had together and keep them in our hearts so that we can retrieve them at will. One of the best things to do is to have photographs taken and stored somewhere safe. Someday when you have grey hair you will be smiling over these photographs and wondering, “Hmm… Where are they now? Good times we shared back then…” and maybe let out a little sob.
Now, what kind of memories do you want your friends to have of you? Good memories or bitter ones? Remember, when you walk out of their life, their only remembrance of you is through the memories of times shared together.
I wish to always give people good memories of me - that they will not only remember me, but will remember me as a friend who have touched their lives and changed it.
Vara and Kar Min. I am going to miss you both. Take care of yourselves and hopefully the winds of change bring us together once more. I will be reading this blog post of mine many many years down the road. And I will remember the times we had. Both captured in pictures and also my heart.
God bless you both on your journey down this road called LIFE…
Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Son (Jesus Christ), that whosoever believes in Him (Jesus) will not perish but have everlasting life.
Arsha and Jolene.
Simon Kong (King Kong) See what he wrote on the shirt. Custom made you know haha.
They left me with the bags and they went peeing.
Not really... The library is one of the best place to sleep because it is cozy and quiet =)
And a pretty friendly palce too =) some roaches for company.
And I was wondering why there is a Terracota Warrior in the library. Jolene looks so fascinated with it.
Simon Kong King Kong and his Chinese Coins. I can't wait for him to show me some cool illusions with it!
Cards again haha. During my free time I take them out to practice.
And this is KAR MIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Blessed Birthday PJ
Blessed Birthday Pastor John!!!
Pastor John Beh turns um 44 this year! (I think)
Age is catching up on him but he is not getting any older as the days pass!
Last night I looked through my tens of thousands of pictures in my 14 DVDs and took a few pictures of Pastor John out so I could post them on my blog today. This man came into my life on the 1st of April 2005 and since then he has always been one of my friend and pastor. Gosh I will try not to be very emotional here haha. But I just want to tell you guys that I am really blessed to have this man in my life and I love him a lot!
Pastor John is one guy who is RICH! He is rich in knowledge and wisdom. You go to him with a problem he will feed you until your stomach bloats. No quick solution comes out from him. He makes you think!
His style of preaching is very different. You will only get what he says if you pay enough attention and go back and pray about it. There were youths who complained that his preaching is boring. What?! Man! Go look for a CLOWN if you want someone funny. Pastor John is no clown.
His favorite sentences are:
1. As young as you are…
2. I say this without apologies…
3. Ha ha…
His favorite rhyme is: “Good, better, best. Never let it rest, until your good becomes better and your better becomes best.”
One of my favorite quote from Pastor John is: “I rather live seven more years and finish God’s work for me than to live until 70 years old but have not completed my task.” (sentence modified a little. Can’t remember the exact words but I caught the meaning.)
And he loves to dive! I got the diving fever from him. He just came back from a dive trip yesterday. I am so going to go with him for another dive next time.
Okay, enough about him. You got to know him personally to know what a wonderful man he is.
This was a picture of him during our mission trip to Sarawak in year 2005. This hairstyle was the result of trusting me with his hair haha. You know what is the funniest part??? He actually did not see his hair at all after I spiked it for him. And he went out to meet a other pastors in a shopping mall! Man! They must be looking at him and think that he has gone crazy! Imagine that! He walked into a shopping mall with that “awesome” hairstyle and he did not even know! And he sat down and chatted with the pastors who dressed so decently and had decent hairstyle. Haha! I laughed my head off! Pastor John, Pastor John =)
Yea, that was how he looked. And he actually thought that he looked cool since Zlwin was the one who did his hair F.O.C. =) hehe.
Man and wife. Sweet. Look at his muscles. No wonder Aunty Jessica feels secure when he’s around.
This picture was taken about two years ago. Adrian on the right.
Taken last year. He loves to wear his sunglasses.
Haha. This is scandal. No la. =) This picture was taken recently in February in Phuket. The lady beside him is actually a prostitute soliciting for “business”. I don’t blame her for choosing him among the many other guy that were around him haha. But she chose the wrong guy. This is a PASTOR wei!
On arrival at the guest house in Phuket.
Um. Aunty Jessica is going to kill me if she sees this picture again hehe.
No we weren’t naked la. Just half naked. This was after our dive training and we were having our exams.
A sequence shot of Pastor John braving the small little stream… without getting wet…
He loves good food. He doesn’t fancy rice. But I do. I bet he can do well amidst the rise in price of rice.
This picture was taken last year or two years ago (I forgot) at Grace PJ’s LIFE Rally.
LIFE was an acronym for Leadership, Integration, Faithfulness and Evangelism that Pastor John came up with.
This picture is a mixture of blurness and cheekiness.
Taken few weeks ago when I stayed over his house. He cooks really healthy stuff. In the morning he made me this yucky drink which tasted nice actually. You know what were the ingredients? Yogurt, carrot, egg, milk, some veggies and a few other weird stuff and he blends them all in the blender and drinks. Looks yucky but um taste nice actually.
Talking about wolves in sheep’s clothing haha. He is not one!
The only guy that can lift Pastor John up in the air is non other than our one and only Klang Tower – Mr. Koh Poh Leong!
Pastor, I will get there one day. You just wait and see. When you are old and gray you cannot compare with my muscles already haha. =)
Blessed Birthday Pastor John.