Now I know many of you are wondering what manga means. Manga is basically comic, Japanese comic if I am not mistaken. These two Nigerian brothers named Akin and Siku decided to be radical and came up with a whole new style of interpreting the Bible – Manga style!
The first edition of the Manga Bible came out few months ago but it only revolves around the life of Jesus in the New Testament. I have bought two copies of their first edition and I like it! But now they have completed the full version which includes the Old and the New Testaments. All hand drawn in manga style. They basically drew comics about the Bible’s character and story. It is a really fun book to read and worth every cent you spend because for now it is the only one of its kind – a Manga Bible =)
This Manga Bible can be bought and given to your non-Christian friends who are manga addict. In that way they will be able to read about the Gospel through something they can relate to. So this brings a new kind of evangelism tool we can add to our toolbox.
Today’s post is about being radical with the talents God has given you!
These two Nigerian guys Akin and Siku have the talent to draw manga and they have the interest to read lots and lots of manga. But who says you cannot do anything useful with your manga hunger? You see, they were radical in their ways and they were radical for God above all. Instead of using their talents to create another new character in the manga world, they took the Bible and interpreted it manga style.
Everyone of us are blessed with all kinds of talents and within us God has also given us the ability to learn new things and pick up new talents as we go on in life. The talents you have are nothing if you only use it for yourself or don’t use it at all. If you use wisely what God has given you, God will give you more. However God can never withdraw the talents He has blessed you with because that’s your DNA. God will not take back your talents, it is up to you whether you want to use them for yourselves or for God.
Lately I have been venturing into the world of impossibilities made possible. Magic is one art form and one tool like every other art form and every other tool. There are tons of Christian musicians out there. There are bands like Planet Shakers and Hillsongs and Delirious. All these are people who use their talents for a Kingdom cause. Being the radical me, I decided to learn the art of magic because I know I can use it for God. Gospel Magic is not a new thing, it has been around for many many years and there is an organization called the Fellowship of Christian Magicians in the United States. How I wish I can join them one day. However I am blessed with Anslem Roy, an international illusionist who is also a Christian and from the same church as me. He have a passion to start a Gospel Magic Ministry and I am all in for it.
I want to encourage all of you to use your talents for God. Be it music, dance, speaking, acting, whatever it is, with the right heart and a right purpose you can channel your time, energy and effort for a Kingdom cause.
Comics can even be used to spread the Gospel. What next? =)
Talents for Kingdom Cause,
Zlwin Chew
My Manga Bible =) This is an NT Version about the life of Jesus and with this the full text of the New Testament in NLT Version. Good stuff for only RM69.90. This book is the size of your normal school textbook, A4 size.
This is more expensive. A smaller book but cost RM45.90. Haha. But so worth it =)
Look at the pages. So Manga-ish. I am not a manga fan and I don't like reading comics. But this is good. however I have not finish reading it yet. My reason for getting it is because I can bless someone with it who loves manga and also to add to my Bible collection =D
Go to your nearest Christian bookstore and ask for a Manga Bible.
God bless =)
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