Gucci. Prada. Calvin Klein. Roxy. John Master. Luis Vuitton. SUB. Banana Republic. Zara. Nike. Adidas.
There are millions of clothes brand out there today. The prices of the clothes ranges from the night market’s RM10 to the exquisite taste of Gucci and Prada which cost RM1000 the cheapest. What clothes do you wear? I know of some people who do not even dare to go near a RM10 shirt with a ten foot battling lance!
People wear different kinds of clothes to differentiate themselves from others. Look at the celebrities. The clothes they wear for red carpet events are @#%&*&! (I’m speechless). Brad Pitt’s tuxedo can pay for my whole year college fee! Put his shoes, socks, underwear, tee, pants and watch together, I can use that money to pay for my whole four years of university study! Paris Hilton’s clothes may only cover her body 20% but they cost a bombshell.
Some people just have too much cash to spend.
Many whom have tasted expensive clothing will never in their wildest dream dare to wear a pasar malam (night market) Nike shirt. A lot of people are just so proud of the clothes they wear. First they will ask, “Nice or not?” then, “Of course nice la, Prada mah.” Then, “You know how much or not?” then, “Dunno? RM200 only.” Haha =) Oh well, good for them. With that amount of money we spend on ourselves, we could help hundreds of people dying of starvation.
Do I care what clothes you wear? No I don’t. As long as you dress appropriately I won’t bother.
Do I care how much your clothes or shoes or watch cost? No I don’t. As long as you don’t wear them in the wrong place I won’t bother.
Do I care how much money you contributed to this society or foundation? No I don’t. I am in no position to award you. As long as you do it with a pure heart then I won’t bother.
Does God care what kind of clothes you wear? He does not care. He is your provider and He is the Great Designer. God made clothes! However there is one kind of clothing God cares. He cares about your spiritual clothing not the physical ones.
We use clothes to keep us warm and take care of our body. People recognizes us by the clothes we wear. A Malay’s traditional clothing is the baju kurung. When people wear them they know we are Malaysians. Chinese wear the cheongsam. Likewise the Scottish wear the kilts and Japanese the kimono. We know where people come from by the clothes we wear. So people also know where we Christians come from by the clothes we wear.
Christians should dress appropriately. I am talking about dressing as in spiritually and also physically. Do not come to church wearing a mini skirt! Have some respect for goodness sake! Keep your cleavage out of sight. Wear some tube or something. Boys, don’t go competing “How Low Can Your Pants Go”. Keep your underwear out of sight. Okay enough of that =)
Now let’s talk spiritual clothing.
Do you know the spiritually clothing lines?
Colossians 3:12
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
That’s right! Clothe yourselves with these clothing and people will then be able to recognize you as Christians! How will people tell whether you are a Christian or not? By your clothing – spiritual and physical.
Romans 13:14
Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.
Yes, we must clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus. Not lord Prada or lord Gucci.
1 Peter 5:5
Young men, in the same way be submissive to those who are older. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.
Clothe yourselves with humility! Not clothe yourselves with clothing that makes you proud of your wealth.
Galatians 3:26-27
You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave or free, male or female, for you are all one in Christ.
Once we have all clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus there is literally no diversity because we are all ONE. Do you know what the people of Acts did? They shared their possessions with the poor. If one has two Nike shirts, he will give the other shirt to another fellow brother who has none. If one is hungry, the other would willingly share his food with him. That is why the early churches in Acts grew so strongly. They were all clothed in Christ.
Remember this, you are recognized by the clothes you wear. So put on the right ones.
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