Wanting to hear from God is one thing,
OBEYING God when He calls or speaks is another thing.
Genesis 12:1, 4
The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.”
... So Abram left, as the Lord had told him.
This was the account of God’s calling for Abram. God spoke to Abram, probably in an audible voice, we do not know how, but the undeniable fact here is that God SPOKE to Abram. Notice God’s call to Abram, God told Abram to leave everything and go. Go where? Go to the land. But what land?
“The land that I WILL show you.”
Take note of the word “will”. The word “will” is a modal verb use to form future tenses. So from this passage we know that God asked Abram to go to a place that God HAVE NOT shown to Abram. And it takes great faith to listen to a voice calling out to you to leave everything and go to a place unknown, furthermore Abram must be thinking whether has he heard the voice of God or it was just his own mind throwing the words at him. It must have been a hard time for Abram to decide whether to heed the unknown voice or not.
In our current time, Abram’s call from God would sound something like this,
“You, yes you! I am the Lord and I want you to leave your iPod, your mp3 player, your computer, your handphone, your digital camera, your surf pants, your guitars, your wallet and purse and bring only a pair of clothes with you. Then go to the place called Kawamarilaly MoShi KuShi SuShi MuShi in the country called Matagura Kalala Malala Lululala.”
Now will you do what Abram did? (v4) “So Abram left, as the Lord had told him...”
Tough huh?
Abram obeyed God and he left, and his obedience to God’s call caused God to use him in such a mighty way that Abram - later named Abraham (Genesis 17:5) and his descendants filled the whole earth. Abraham’s descendants, the Jews, are still a numerous people today. He was also made wealthy and protected by God throughout his whole life. Even now, the three world religions – Christianity, Judaism and Islam – honor Abraham. And Jesus was also a descendant of Abraham, came to bring salvation. Abraham bore Isaac and Isaac bore Jacob and then there were the Twelve Tribes of Israel which later filled up the whole earth.
There are many accounts in the Bible that tells of how God calls His people and they responded to His call, many immediately and some after a while. To obey God’s call especially in cases like Abraham’s requires two things – FAITH and TRUST.
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
So we do not want to be eager to hear God's voice when we are not prepared to obey. First, read His Word and obey His Word. Until you do that you can be certain that you will not hear the voice of God because God is speaking to us already through the Bible but we do not even read it. How then can we expect to hear from God?
Job 22:22
Accept instruction from his mouth and lay up his words in your heart.
I look really stupid in tis pic. but oh well, don't look if u don't like haha. taken at Disneyland, Hong Kong last year. Thanks for the shirt Lauren, love it. =)
Hear and Obey,
Zlwin Chew.
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