There Must To Be More To Life Than This

The Magician's Greatest Pay

One of the greatest rewards for being a magician are the smiles, laughters and applause you get once you have entertain your audience truly. The picture here was taken at The Curve during one of my recent gig. This girl gave the nicest smile ever when she saw my magic.

Building Bridges Through Magic

Another fun thing about magic is that you get to meet different people; some down right nasty and some really really friendly. I met this group at Urbanattic, Capsquare. Nice people who just wants to have good fun. among them are two actors, Tony Eusoff and Jay.

Magic @ Zouk Club, Kuala Lumpur

Zlwin does walkabout close-up magic at Zouk every weekend. Look out for him if you are there to dance the night away!

The Watchmen

Watchmen watches what no one watches and does what no one does. They would lay down their lives watching and protecting. They stand guard over the people that needs them but do not want them. They take up responsibilities which otherwise no one would want. Do you want to be a watchman? "What does it matter..." you ask.

Zlwin Chew - Magician, Minister.

Magic is something that seems like it goes against how the world works and it is us magicians who has the privilege to demonstrate it. There are no tricks in magic, only wonderment. – Zlwin Chew

Zlwin Chew’s New Website Is Launched!

Zlwin has designed a new website and is no longer with Blogspot anymore. From today onwards, this site will be his official site where he will be posting his usual Christian devotional materials as well as some other stuff. Do drop by every now and then. And please bear with the upcoming and ongoing changes that will happen in this website. He is trying to improve it little by little as the each moon ends its shift and as he gains more knowledge on website designing. Have a good read! God bless!

Acts 20:24

However , I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the Gospel of God’s grace

The Worldwide Magician Directory

A worldwide directory of magicians. Thousands of magicians have their profile uploaded here as well as links to their websites. Visit the Magician Directory to find out more about your local magician.


Friday, February 23, 2007

Swee Vien


I am posting about my trip to Swee Vien's crib yesterday. Well I had a rather enjoyable day there. THANK YOU SWEE VIEN!
It was fun to meet new people with different and vibrant personalities and hang out with them. And not to mention being

Read on and you will know why.

Note: I am not good at remembering names so well, um, those girls at Swee Vien's, forgive me if I forget your name hehe. Sorry...

Enjoy =)

Doesn't she look like a cute little puppy here? (that was what Adrian told me haha...)
This is Huei Lin. Why the card on her forehead? She was indicating on how many children she wants to have in the future. Now why don't you add two more and form a football team... Hmm...

Ok I want to puke too when I saw this AWFUL, HORRIBLE, UNRULY, DISGUSTING, STUPID, POSER, TORTURED pictured of mine!

This was what happened... I went to Swee Vien's house and well I got a little BORED so I decided to break the ice. I approached the girls who were busy yakking away and I asked them would they love to play a game. And they did.

So we played a few rounds and at first two girls got forfeited and were called to do The MISSISSIPPI haha. And after that all of them were pissed at me cuz I talk too much =) so they came up with a vice plan to attack me. And well, I LOST...

And you know what they made me do???

The MOST UNRULY thing ever done by me!

They took the KFC plastic bag and made a tube out of it! Argh! I thought only girls are supposed to wear that?! And they made me walk out of the house and approached a neighbor and shout "GONG XI FA CHAI" !!! I did, ironicly to an Indian lady, and I can tell you that from the expression of her face, she was SHOCKED!!!
"What is this psycho guy wearing a plastic bag tube trying to do?!"

The girls are MONSTERS...

Another horrible picture of me with that unruly tube!

Haha ok ok the card does not indicate the number of kids she want, I was just crapping jsut now.
Now let me explain to you the Drink and Puke game. This is what we were supposed to do. We each take a card an put it on our forehead without looking at it. And the person with the lowest card is supposed to............................ (see pic below)

YES! DRINK ALL THESE CUPS OF WATER!!!! Filled to the brim!
I lost once and they made me drink 3 cups of water and a whole JUG of WATER!!! And gosh! I wanted to puke after that. They were rejoicing cuz finally and FINALLY I stopped talking for at least 5 minutes!

I am King =)

The King and his servant, Adrain the Yap Chin Lun.

"It's FOUR! It's FOUR! Sei (die) ! Sie (die)! I am dead! I am dead!"
This is Zuwen (I think)

From left:
Swee Vien the Hostess (blue shirt)
Grace the No Head (behind Swee Vien on the chair)
Zuwen the Zoo Escapee (red shirt beside Grace)
Zhi Li the Puteri Lilin (middle with black shirt)
Huei Lin the Molester (green shirt, LOOK WHERE HER HAND IS!!! )

Zuwen: Ok! I thought I won! So where is my CASH??!!! I am getting mad alright?!
(No we weren't gambling haha. Just a game of Taboo, she's explaing how she escaped from the zoo. Sorry Zuwen hehe.)

Adrian Yap Chin Lun.

All he can ever to is LAUGH and LAUGH and LAUGH...

From left:
AIKS! I forgot her name... Sorry! *wink
Joanne Lee the Irritating Girl (she was irritaing me with the pink dinosaur toy of hers! If the dinosaur wasn't pink I would have smashed it long time ago)
Amy the Pak Poh (this "littlt" girl just can't keep her mouth SHUT! Haha)
Kelvin the Pink Lover (oh he loves PINK too! YAY!)

From left:
Amy, Joanne, Zuwen, Zhi Li, Aiya (forgot her name hehe), Huei Lin, and Swee Vien.

Well people, that is about all I have. Was too busy having fun and no time to take pictures. I love to take pics by the way...
Had a wonderful time at Swee Vien's yesterday. The bunch of whacko Convent girls are radical. I got tortured haih... But well it was all worth it haha. Thanks Swee Vien fo inviting me and Adrian! See you soon!


Hebrews 10:24-25
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – all the more as you see the Day approaching.


This is a picture of Adrian's study desk I took at about 2am last night (or this morning)
Well, after Swee Vien's party, I overnight-ed at Adrian's crib.

We watched the movie, "School of Rock" on Adrian's cool portable DVD player! Man I love it!!!
Adrian slept off half way through and I continued till about 4am then I slept =)

What a pig.... haha...


Well people, hope you enjoyed looking at the pics. Yea, some were lame, but oh well, I am not professional photographer, after all I am using only a lousy camera handphone to take all those pics haha.

Taken your lunch? Are you all hungry? I have got something to give you.
Today's delicacy is:

1 Thessalonnians 1:3
We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Eat Well,
Zlwin Chew.

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    Man In The Mirror

    . A very nice song from the late Michael Jackson. "If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change."

    Shout It Out


    About Zlwin Chew

    He is a person who is sold out for Jesus. Nothing can move him once he has set his mind on doing and achieving something. Once he is set for one thing, no one can tell him otherwise.

    He blogs, but he blogs differently. The world blogs about themselves, nothing but me, myself and I. But Zlwin Chew blogs his God. He believes that a blog is a powerful medium in which one can tell the world about what He, Himself and God has done in me, meself and I. God needs to be glorified, even online. The world needs to hear what it does not want to hear but need to hear. The world need to know what it does not want to know but need to know.

    Zlwin Chew is also a magician who has a heart and passion to enhance his Gospel sharing with the aid of magical effects and illusions. His magic portfolio can be found at

    He loves photography as well. Capturing time in frames is his passion. His photography blog can be found at

    He is radical. He wants to be radical. He wants to be different. Because everyone thinks outside of the box, he thinks inside of the box. He is different. And he does not care how people view him. He only cares how God views him. Zlwin Chew is a Jesus Freak.

    And he dare you to do something radical. He dare you to...

    BLOG GOD...