1 Corinthians 9:24-25
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.
Everyone who competes in the game goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.
This is the continuation of my previous post on running the Christian race with perseverance. As you have read, I went for Sri Lethia’s Sports Day last Saturday and I learnt a lot. I could post a lot on what I observed in the races and how they all come together like a jigsaw puzzle and it paints a picture of the Christians’ race. On my previous post I shared on how the Christian race is similar to that of the sport’s. Today I am sharing with you on how to stay on the race.
I would like to bring your attention once again to the girl that quit half way through the race (poor girl, sorry ya hehe). What was the reason she quit? What made her drop out? Why couldn’t she finish it? The answer is pretty simple, by giving a smart guess (note: I may be wrong), it was most probably she was not prepared for the race.
Read the verse above once more, 1 Corinthians 9:24-25. Let us look at verse 24 now. The Corinthians of that time had a race of their own in their Isthmian games. This game occurred every other year and it was only second importance to the Olympic Games. And their prize is a wreath. A wreath is an arrangement of flowers, leaves or stems used for decorations. Now it is commonly used for flowers to put at graves, you get the picture? A wreath is something that only lasts for a few days and it is perishable. In verse 24 we are told to run in such a way as to get the prize. It means to run with all your might and your only goal is to get first, neither last nor second.
Now let us read verse 25. Everyone who competes in the game goes into strict training. The Corinthians knew that they had to win, and each runner had to go under strict training in order to be able to be fit for the race. You see, it is familiar with the races the runners run now. One of my Lethian friends, Jolene Tan, was called to compete in 3 different races. She had the determination to win and she exercised almost every other day in the field opposite her house. She would go for a jog around the field for a few rounds in the evening. She did this because she wanted to win. That is training. Note that Paul stressed in verse 25 on what kind of training.
Strict training.
Go back to the beginning. The girl who gave up the race probably did not go under strict training therefore she was unable to complete it. Running 800 meters under the hot sun is no easy task. There were winners of course but some of them merely crossed the finish line with just a little strength left. Given another 50 meters they would faint.
Like the girl, we Christians find ourselves falling short of the goal. Many of us give up the race after running it for a few years. By this, I am saying that they fell away from the faith they once believed in. Isn’t this sad? Running the Christian race requires strict training too. Our race has many obstacles, our accuser; Satan is always out to get us down and out of the race. He throws diversion at us and causes us to change course. He places road blocks in front of us and those not strong enough to pass through it will stumble and fall. He has been around for thousand of years and he knows what weapon is best used to bring you down. Therefore, we have no escape from our enemy’s plan. No escape.
Paul was well aware of the situation and that was why he asked us to go under strict training. How are the ways we can train ourselves to face the enemy? The secular world runners train each day for the Olympic Games. They have all kinds of equipments in order to help them improve in every area. We Christians have many too, and one of the most common and most neglected equipment is none other that the Bible. The Word of God provides us strength to run the race.
How is this? Let’s say Satan tempts you by bringing a friend to you and this friend asks you to join his and smoke a cigarette. Or watch pornographic material as this is common nowadays. What are you going to do? Remember that your flesh is weak, what can help you is only your spirit. So when you read the Word of God and you come across:
1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
And this will be your way out. The Word of God in you will surface to your mind when your friend tempts you and you will then know how to say “no”. There is power in the Word of God (Hebrews 4:12).
Simple… Yet it has been neglected so often. A Christian can not live without reading the Bible like how humans can not live without eating food. No wonder so many Christians are falling away form the race. They do not have strict training. Reading the Bible everyday requires strict training and discipline. Spend some time with God your Personal Trainer for the race. Go to Him now in prayer and ask for strength and will to read the Bible. I could go on but I can not if you do not grasp this. So this post will end here. I will come up with another continuation. Look out for it if you really want to get serious with your race. There is no time now for you to step back and fall. Some fall but they get up and get running again. Some fall and stay on the ground for the rest of their lives. Choose for yourselves this day whether you want to go under strict training or not. No world class runner competes without strict training.
Last thing: the secular world runners run for a prize (crown) that will not last. Gold, copper and silver perish in fire. But we Christians run to get a prize that will last forever: The prize of eternal life.
Run or stop,
The choice is in your hands.
I Chose to Run,
Zlwin Chew.
1 Corinthians 9:24
...Run in such a way as to get the prize.
Yea I got the prize =) hehe.
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