It's a bird! It's a plane! No it's just... Um a photo? A really nice one. I shot this picture hehe. Nice right?
From left: Nisha and Ai Vy.
Ai Vy and I. It rhymes! =) this was taken by Rui Fong.
Another picture taken by me.
From left: Red Dude Kian Wei and Meta Chairman Brian Chow.
Sister Kim in an emo state =) hehe.
The casts of Lost Season 3.
From left: Rui Fong, Jonathan Kok, Nisha and Ai Vy.
Ang Tau Chui's Melanie Yong and Red Dude's Zlwin Chew aka Pinko (but now in red)
This is what you get for being so cute and adorable.
From left: Fiona Gan, Happy Man Ezra Soon and Lim Ai Vy.
Jonathan Chandra.. A devil in disguise?
Posers =)
Ian in orange, me in PINK.
Meta Camp briefing. It's easy to spot who is not concentrating right? =)
Meta Strippers!!!
Clockwise from top left: Dexter, Jaron, Adrian, Alex, Aaron and Andrew.
Meta Currencies.
Poser =)
My wife and I.
Picture taken by professional cameraman Jaron Tan.
Guy Sebastian playing drums???
No lah, it's Jonathan Chandra with his fake afro =)
David aka Nightwing!
He was the P.A. guy throughout camp. Good job, Night. Thanks!
Adrian leading in Praise and Worship on the last night.
Choo choo train!!!
The campers partying with Jesus =)
Ok, first of all, he is not a satan worshipper yea. Jonathan Chandra with his horns. While we sang, "he's inder my feet! he's under my feet! he's under my feet! he's under my feet! satan is UNDER MY FEET..." Jon came to me and put his head on the floor and I "trampled" on it as a sign of putting satan under my feet. His horns was spoilt after that haha.
Is satan under your feet? I don't know about you but he is DEFINITELY UNDER MINE!!!
That's why I can't hold back from jumping like a crazy person. While we jump, we are trampling ion satan's head and at the same time lifting up our hands to praise God for the victory He won for us =)
Me leading in Praise and Worship on the first night of camp.
I love this picture! It is so nice! Jaron took this. Two thumbs up to Jaron! The guy on the left jumping in the air is me. Beside me is Samantha, the worship leader on the last morning. We lost all our voices but we still gave our all. God deserves it!
Praise God!!!
More pictures coming soon.
See ya!
Meta rocked!
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