Who in the world would love to be imprisoned?! People quiver at the mention of the word prison (well, at least I do). Only people who do not have a house to stay would not mind to get into prison.
We are always careful not to disobey the law in case we get caught and are thrown into prison. We do not even want to have a thought of us entering one do we?
Imagine the embarrassment you have to face, the humility your family have to face, the torture you have to go through in prison, the loneness you feel being confined in a dark chamber 24/7, would you ever in your right mind wake up one day and say, “Hey I think I want to be put in prison today. So I will go rob a bank now and get caught.”
This was kind of like what Peter, John, Paul, Silas and other apostles in the book of Acts thought – except it was a little different. These apostles were sentenced to prison for numerous times in numerous occasions and each time they got out, they were put in again in a matter of days.
What was their crime?!
Their crime – preaching the Good News! These people woke up every morning and say to themselves, “Wow! What a nice and glorious day to be put in prison for God. I am going to preach the Gospel not caring whether I get caught or not!”
These people were put in prison so many times because they were preaching the Gospel! The authorities caught them and sentenced them to prison, flogged them terribly and released them with a warning not to preach again. But they stubbornly disobeyed.
Acts 4:40, 42
They (authorities) had them (the apostles) FLOGGED.
Then they ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go...
Day after day, they NEVER STOPPED proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ.
Saw their stubbornness? They were stubborn for the right reason.
They were Christians who were so on fire for God that they went all out to preach the Gospel even though the authorities were against them.
They were not worried of what might happen to them if they preached.
Instead, they were worried of what might happen to the people who have not heard the Gospel.
Each time they were imprisoned, they were rescued by God. God is faithful isn’t He? Anyway I am not suggesting you simply go into the streets now and preach, you need wisdom also yea. We have a lot of ways to share the Gospel now; internet is one of the biggest fields to use. So use it for good...
Blog the Gospel...
Blog God...
They were fishers of men. Are you?
Matthew 4:19
“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you FISHERS OF MEN.”
Prison Me,
Zlwin Chew
Um... Hehe I don't know what to say about this picture =) so you can comment for me la...
Ok, I have told you readers before that a post at Zlwin's blog is never completed with a picture potraying my vainness right? So um, yea, a picture of me I took at school last last Friday. Had a performance with Andy.
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